Online Business & Freelancing

  • These 9 Tips Will Help You Create High Converting Landing Pages for Every Business

    These 9 Tips Will Help You Create High Converting Landing Pages for Every Business

    The goal of a landing page is simple — to convert its visitors. The most effective landing pages reach conversion rates of up to 27.4%, although an average conversion rate for the majority of the industries moves somewhere between 2 to 6%. However, if your landing page doesn’t convert well, it doesn’t… Read More

  • Why Emotional Intelligence Beats High IQ When It Comes to Succeeding In Business

    Why Emotional Intelligence Beats High IQ When It Comes to Succeeding In Business

    If you expect your business to succeed only because you’re a smart person, you might end up disappointed. Even when the competitors aren’t as clever as you, it doesn’t predict your business to win over them. Why? Because intelligence and high IQ are only the tips of the iceberg when… Read More

  • Beginner Writer’s Guide to Digital Marketing: Everything You Need to Know About Promoting Your Content

    Beginner Writer’s Guide to Digital Marketing: Everything You Need to Know About Promoting Your Content

    Starting a career as a writer isn’t much different from starting a business — it takes a lot of time and effort. In 2021, more than 570 million blogs exist on the internet, while 8 out of 10 blogs fail within the first 18 months. Every day is globally published around 7 million posts, and… Read More